技巧1: 指代線(xiàn)索
Logic did not always lead to the same answers, however. While Parmenides satisfied himself that matter was unchanging and permanent, another Greek reached the opposite conclusion. Heraclitus of Ephesus (in Asia Minor) insisted that the universe, instead of standing still, is in continuous motion. He declared that a person cannot step into the same river twice—in fact, the river is changing even as one steps into it. This doctrine proved most disturbing, for if everything is constantly changing (including ourselves), how can we gain true knowledge of anything? By the time our mind has been informed, the object of our attention is no longer what it was!
As it is used in line 82, the word doctrine most nearly means:
A. change
B. illusion
C. theory
D. document
分(fēn)析:doctrine(教条、學(xué)说)这个单词在托福中比较少见,所以很(hěn)多(duō)刚开始接触ACT考试的學(xué)生对这个单词的含义是比较陌生的,但就这题而言,即使不认识doctrine却也一点都不影响解题。此句中含有(yǒu)明显的指代線(xiàn)索“this~”,根据代词就近前指的原则,可(kě)以很(hěn)快的找到上句中的“he declared~”来做同义替换,因此选C。
技巧2: 逻辑線(xiàn)索
Thus, while the brothers’ flights were remarkable, they were hardly bolts from the blue. Rather, their achievement was a vital step in a long progression toward controlled flight. And by no means did their success make them overnight celebrities: in 1903 hardly anyone heard about their flings, and those who did were not inclined to believe the tale.
The statement “they are hardly bolts from the blue”(line 59) most strongly suggests that flights like the Wright brothers’ were:
F. unsurprising
G. improbable
H. unusual
J. remarkable
分(fēn)析:虽然“hardly bolts from the blue”这个俚语没几个學(xué)生认识,但根据前半句的while(表句内转折)線(xiàn)索可(kě)知,下划線(xiàn)应该表达的是“not remarkable”的含义,因此选F。
技巧3: 态度線(xiàn)索
Filmmakers have debated the respective merits of subtitles and dubbing since the earliest sound films. In “The Impossible Life of Clark Costa,” published in1940 in the film journal Cinema, director Michelangelo Antonioni wrote that Romolo Costa, the person who dubbed all of actor Clark Gable's performances, was a “hybrid individual born out of a chemical combination.” This “half Clark, half Costa” was unbearable to Antonioni, who considered dubbing to be a mere "acoustic surrogate” of acting. To him, dubbing compromised the intention of the director, leading to an artificial product that lacked artistic unity. Director Pier Paolo Pasolini, who called both dubbing and subtitles “evils,” said that, between the two, dubbing was the less harmful, since it allowed you to see the picture in full. Director Jean Renoir called dubbing a “monstrosity, a challenge to human and divine laws.”
As it is used in lines 16-17, the phrase a challenge to most nearly means:
F. an assault on.
G. a declaration of
H. a question for
J. an offer to
技巧4: 修饰搭配線(xiàn)索
Ad hoc ways of categorizing living things are useful. Long may they persist. Practical people doing practical things need to carve up the world in their own ways, and it is not for outsiders to cavil. The flesh of abalones (ear shells) and of lobsters are comparably tender even if those creatures are less closely related to each other than eagles are to sea squirts; so why not call them both 'shellfish'? A ‘weed' is a useful category, as any farmer will attest. Each system of classification casts its own light upon the world; lay different classifications side by side and you illuminate from different angles, and truly begin to see in three dimensions.
As it is used in line 49, the phrase carve up most nearly means:
A. gouge.
B. minimize
C. analyze.
D. inscribe.
分(fēn)析:carve up字面义取自carve(雕刻、切割),故很(hěn)多(duō)學(xué)生会误选D项inscribe(刻字、题写)。但根据句内的搭配对象“~the world”可(kě)知,此处若理(lǐ)解為(wèi)“inscribe the world”则十分(fēn)怪诞,因此解释為(wèi)“analyze the world”更合适(原句翻译為(wèi):務(wù)实的人在做实用(yòng)的事情时会按照自己的方式来理(lǐ)解分(fēn)析世界)。
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