在刷题填空的过程当中,很(hěn)多(duō)同學(xué)都会留意到题干中常出现的In fact,此时,一对答(dá)案,不禁产生这样的疑问: in fact 到底应该取同还是取反, 為(wèi)什么有(yǒu)些题当中作取反处理(lǐ),有(yǒu)些题当中又(yòu)和参考信息取同?那么,今天我们来一起揭晓其中逻辑的奥妙。
首先,in fact 本事表事实上,它的这层含义就说明,既可(kě)以取反,又(yòu)可(kě)以取同,判断的关键在于, in fact 之前的信息若為(wèi)真实信息,in fact 取同表递进,in fact 之前的信息若為(wèi)虚假信息,in fact取反,其后揭示真实信息,體(tǐ)现虚假VS真实的对立。
The controversial social analysis that Moynihan offered in the 1960s is now generally recognized as having been prescient; in fact, it has been the _____ upon which much of our discussion of social pathology must base.
A. concession
B. bedrock
C. imperative
D. compromise
E. foundations
F. vision
这道六选二中,in fact 之前说,1960s有(yǒu)争议的社会研究controversial social analysis 现在已经被认為(wèi)是prescient 先知的,正评价,此条信息属于客观真实描述,所以in fact 取同,后面继续递进:事实上,已经成為(wèi)我们很(hěn)多(duō)社会病理(lǐ)學(xué)讨论的基础,选择BE.
The medical researchers replied to the charge that their proposed new treatment was _____ by demonstrating that it in fact observed standard medical practices.
A. deleterious
B. untested
C. unorthodox
D. expensive
E. intricate
这道题是in fact后面信息完整,我们先来看in fact之后的内容:发现了standard medical practices 标准化医學(xué)实践, in fact之前又(yòu)说replied to the charge that……by demonstrating……通过证明…….回应指责,说明,该指责為(wèi)不真实信息,前后对比,in fact 取反, 选择和参考信息standard的反向:unorthodox, unconventional CF.
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