01 独立口语
Some people believe robots will replace humans for many types of work in the future. While others believe that robots will never be smarter or more useful than humans. Which opinion do you support and why? Use specific reasons and examples to support your idea.
答(dá)法一:the robots will replace humans
time-efficient, high demanding, production line,
Manufacture the goods, sustainable working
Programming orders, stabilized in advance
答(dá)法二:robots will never be smarter or more useful than humans.
creative thinking, depth and diversity
Distinctive living experiences and cultural background
Program bugs and breakdown
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02 學(xué)术讨论写作
Doctor Achebe
This week, we'll examine issues in education reform. For example, some educators think that by focusing mainly on foundational knowledge in subjects like reading, math, and science, schools are not fully preparing students for success in the workplace, These educators argue that soft skills - nonacademic skills such as being empathetic or having a strong work ethic - should be part of the curriculum, with classroom time dedicated to developing these skills. Do you agree? Why or why not?
I agree. While students need a strong foundation in academic subjects, soft skills are important because they affect how well students do their work. lf classroom time is set aside for these skills, students will take them seriously and their academic work will benefit. Teachers could design lessons so that students learn about a skill and then do role-playing activities with classmates.
Soft skills are important, but l don't agree with using classroom time to work on them. I'm not sure how teachers would measure students' progress in developing these skills. lf students' progress can't be measured on something being taught. l’m not sure if there's any point to teaching it.
1. 看完题目后,选择自己更倾向同意的内容并总结:
Claire: soft skills are important because they affect how well students do their work
=> soft skills affect how well students do their work
2. 给出自己新(xīn)的理(lǐ)由:
3. 详细展开:
一些职业不仅需要理(lǐ)论知识,而且强调互动技巧 -> 掌握非學(xué)术技能(néng)的學(xué)生更具竞争力 -> 增加被考虑的机会 -> 更容易对工作满意
4. 例子:对应上一步详细展开的内容去举例
eg. 此处例子可(kě)参考以下思路,再按合适的顺序、增加细节来组织内容即可(kě):
两年前毕业 -> 投简历 -> 在一场面试中被要求描述理(lǐ)想的工作场所 -> 先在脑海中整理(lǐ)了三部分(fēn)内容,包括主管、同事和环境 -> 在演讲中,还提出了两个问题进行互动 -> 第二天,收到offer
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