小(xiǎo)托福TOEFL Junior目前是采用(yòng)纸筆(bǐ)考试形式,共分(fēn)為(wèi)三大部分(fēn):听力;语言形式和含义;阅读理(lǐ)解。考试总时長(cháng)為(wèi)110分(fēn)钟,总分(fēn)900分(fēn)。今天主要為(wèi)大家介绍阅读理(lǐ)解部分(fēn)。
TOEFL Junior考试阅读理(lǐ)解部分(fēn)一般由7篇文(wén)章组成,每篇文(wén)章的長(cháng)度约為(wèi)200-350个单词,依据文(wén)章長(cháng)度和难度,每篇文(wén)章对应4至9道题不等。该部分(fēn)共有(yǒu)42道题,全部為(wèi)单项选择题。考试时间為(wèi)50分(fēn)钟。
體(tǐ)裁 | 文(wén)章数量 | 题目数量 | 考试时间 | |
非學(xué)术类 | 邮件信函 | 2-3 | 4-6 | 50分(fēn)钟 |
通知公告 | ||||
新(xīn)闻故事 | ||||
學(xué)术类 | 说明文(wén) | 3-4 | 5-10 | |
议论文(wén) |
备考小(xiǎo)托福的考生年龄一般在11-15岁,这个年龄段的孩子普遍不认识像是rapid, alter, resemble这类高频考察的非學(xué)术型词汇,更不要说fungi,bacteria之类生物(wù)學(xué)术型词汇。那么在题目练习时,大部分(fēn)小(xiǎo)朋友读不懂题目。以下题目為(wèi)例,题干中學(xué)生可(kě)能(néng)不认识的单词包括point out; varies; climate; diversity; affected; population; general; documentation phase; species等。
....A general theory of diversity would have to predict not only this difference between temperate and tropical zones, but also patterns with each region, and how these patterns vary among different animal and plant groups. However, for butterflies, variation of species richness within temperate or tropical regions, rather than between them, is poorly understood. Indeed, unlike comparison between temperate and tropical areas, comparisons of numbers of species among the Amazon basin, tropical Asia and Africa are still in the documentation phase.
Why does the author mention tropical Asia?
A To point out that the behavior of butterfly varies with climate.
B To explain that the diversity of butterflies is affected by human populations
C To give an example of a location where a general theory of butterfly diversity is still
in documentation phase
D To note a place where documenting plant species is more difficult than documenting
butterfly species
但其实这类题目也是有(yǒu)方法的,通过题干的提问,作者為(wèi)什么提到tropical Asia,我们回到文(wén)章定位,找到文(wén)章zui后一句Indeed, unlike comparison between temperate and tropical areas, comparisons of numbers of species among the Amazon basin, tropical Asia and Africa are still in the documentation phase. 出现了tropical Asia。这句话中unlike非常重要,该词是不像而不是不喜欢,类似的词还有(yǒu)dislike, unlikely, likely,alike也是小(xiǎo)托福學(xué)生需要掌握的词汇,该句话的意思是:与温带和热带地區(qū)的比较不同,亚马逊盆地、热带亚洲和非洲的物(wù)种数量比较仍处于文(wén)献记录阶段。那么对比选项可(kě)以进行排除法做题;
错误选项A,B选项都是未提及的内容,没有(yǒu)vary with climate 或human population的相关表达;而D选项中出现more difficult than比较级,文(wén)中不存在该比较关系;
正确答(dá)案则是C 原文(wén)原词 in documentation phase
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