在分(fēn)析今天的主题之前先给大家明确SAT自适应考试思路:Module 1中每个同學(xué)都是固定的题目且不完全是简单题(千万不要有(yǒu)Module1都是简单题的错觉),根据Module1的做题情况进入到Module 2开始加测,每个分(fēn)数區(qū)间的同學(xué)根据第1部分(fēn)做的情况来匹配不同的题型和文(wén)本难度等级。根据zui终成绩单中你的成绩分(fēn)布區(qū)间呈现的不同难度系数的文(wén)本和题型可(kě)以反推出考试中哪些题目有(yǒu)失误。為(wèi)什么可(kě)以反推?因為(wèi)以出题人的思维来看,我不测试你该难度系数的文(wén)本和题型,我怎么能(néng)达到考察你的目的呢(ne)?怎么知道你这个地方掌握的好不好呢(ne)?怎么zui终赋分(fēn)呢(ne)?
大家打开分(fēn)数界面往下拉,看到以下内容,这就是阅读和语法部分(fēn)每个模块的成绩分(fēn)布情况,请继续打开View skills部分(fēn),点击就可(kě)以看到具體(tǐ)的个人做题情况。
360 and Lower
370 - 410
420 - 480
490 - 540
550 - 600
610 - 670
680 and Higher
每个等级对应的要求也有(yǒu)差别,筆(bǐ)者以SAT阅读中Craft and Structure考点為(wèi)例,把不同分(fēn)数區(qū)间对应的能(néng)力要求呈现在今天的推文(wén)中。以下是该考点三种考察的题型,不同等级分(fēn)数所呈现的题型能(néng)力要求也不一样。
A student in this performance score band can typically demonstrate the following skills in this content domain:
Craft and Structure
Determine the most logical and precise high-utility academic word or phrase to use in simple contexts and when the focal words and phrases are encountered frequently in texts at the middle grades level.
Describe the function of a portion (e.g., a phrase or sentence) of a passage at the middle grades level in the context of the passage as a whole
370-410區(qū)间的分(fēn)数,词汇题给定的文(wén)本是简单且难度等级是middle level,另外划線(xiàn)功能(néng)题的难度等级是middle level. 说明该考生Module1做的比较一般,进入Module2测试的难度系数比较简单,而且着重加测了词汇题和划線(xiàn)句功能(néng)题,说明Module1有(yǒu)错。
Determine the most logical and precise high-utility academic word or phrase to use in moderately simple contexts and when the focal words and phrases are encountered frequently in texts at the middle grades level
Determine the meaning of a high-utility academic word or phrase in literary passages at the middle grades level
Describe the main purpose of passages at the middle grades level
Determine the most logical and precise high-utility academic word or phrase to use in moderately complex contexts and when the focal words and phrases are encountered frequently in texts at the high school level
Determine the meaning of a high-utility academic word or phrase, including the literal sense of a figurative word or phrase, in literary passages at the high school level
Describe the function of a portion (e.g., a phrase or sentence) of a passage at the high school level in the context of the passage as a whole
490-540分(fēn)数區(qū)间开始进入到了at the high school level难度模式,词汇题和划線(xiàn)句功能(néng)题都有(yǒu)问题。
Determine the most logical and precise high-utility academic word or phrase to use in complex contexts and when the focal words and phrases are encountered frequently in texts at the high school level
Describe the main purpose of passages at the high school level when the authors' goals are unstated
Draw a text-supported connection between two passages at the middle grades level on the same or similar topics
Determine the most logical and precise high-utility academic word or phrase to use in complex contexts and when the focal words and phrases are encountered frequently in texts at the early college level
Draw a text-supported connection between two passages at the high school level on the same or similar topics
Describe the function of a portion (e.g., a phrase or sentence) of a passage at the early college level in the context of the passage as a whole
680 and Higher
Determine the most logical and precise high-utility academic word or phrase to use in highly complex contexts and when the focal words and phrases are encountered frequently in texts at the early college level
Draw a subtle text-supported connection between two passages at the early college level on the same or similar topics
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